Blood (Korean Drama) (2015)
This drama tells the story of a vampire, Park Ji-sang who works as a doctor in a hospital. Yoo Ri-ta is a hotshot heiress doctor, a star physician at the hospital and the niece of the board’s chairman. She’s snooty and cold, but highly capable, and accustomed to being the golden girl. Lee Jae-wook is their chief, an outwardly gentle, inwardly ambitious man who will prove to be their biggest adversary.
SUB Blood (Korean Drama) (2015) Episode 20
SUB Blood (Korean Drama) (2015) Episode 19
SUB Blood (Korean Drama) (2015) Episode 18
SUB Blood (Korean Drama) (2015) Episode 17
SUB Blood (Korean Drama) (2015) Episode 16
SUB Blood (Korean Drama) (2015) Episode 15
SUB Blood (Korean Drama) (2015) Episode 14
SUB Blood (Korean Drama) (2015) Episode 13
SUB Blood (Korean Drama) (2015) Episode 12
SUB Blood (Korean Drama) (2015) Episode 11
SUB Blood (Korean Drama) (2015) Episode 10
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