Caught In The Heartbeat (2018)
The story follows young and promising man Tang Yi Xiu who embarks on a journey to become a policeman and meets our heroine Shi Gu Jing, a woman who hailed from a family of officers but was in an accident overseas which puts her in a coma. She eventually wakes up without any recollection of the accident. She meets the hero, both joining the police force, fighting injustice while trying to uncoverthe secrets behind her accident.
RAW Caught In The Heartbeat (2018) Episode 40
RAW Caught In The Heartbeat (2018) Episode 39
RAW Caught In The Heartbeat (2018) Episode 38
RAW Caught In The Heartbeat (2018) Episode 37
RAW Caught In The Heartbeat (2018) Episode 36
RAW Caught In The Heartbeat (2018) Episode 35
RAW Caught In The Heartbeat (2018) Episode 34
RAW Caught In The Heartbeat (2018) Episode 33
RAW Caught In The Heartbeat (2018) Episode 32
RAW Caught In The Heartbeat (2018) Episode 31
RAW Caught In The Heartbeat (2018) Episode 30
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