
Setoutsumi (2016)


The story revolves around Kansai-area high school boys Seto and Utsumi, particularly their completely normal but comedic chats after school. The manga was nominated for the 18th Annual Tezuka Osamu Cultural Prize "Reader Award" in 2014.

Status: Completed
Narita Eiki
Narita Eiki (1989)
Uno Shohei
Uno Shohei (1978)
Suzuki Takuji
Suzuki Takuji (1967)
Suda Masaki
Suda Masaki (1993)
Nakajo Ayami
Nakajo Ayami (1997)
Ikematsu Sosuke
Ikematsu Sosuke (1990)
Okayama Amane
Okayama Amane (1994)
Iijima Shuna
Iijima Shuna (1986)
Matsumoto Takuya
Matsumoto Takuya (1995)

Revenge of Others trailer:

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